First the Rant part.
This site is an expression of my outpourings when they cannot be contained, despite my best efforts to do so. These are not the expressions of an opinionated individual or an activist. Far from it. These are the expressions of a person content with himself but angry with the system. One desiring change but not ready to jump in to lead the effort. One fretting and fuming but hesitant to take on the powers that be, head on. I am just one of you.
I will try to stay as far from the politics of the day as possible. You may, however, still see a flash of it.
And now the Rave part.
It is the expression of the freedom I am enjoying, having retired, to be able to express myself freely – without the burden of any protocol. This freedom has also given me time to reminisce, introspect and observe. Sometimes I share these with you.
Time and again I promise myself to write regularly but like all New Year resolutions, I am unable to keep the promise.
So enjoy reading when I do write once in a while.
Rajesh Kapoor
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Rajesh Kapoor
Content Owner
Good start! All the best. Looking forward to your rants.